Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cautious optimism & a blabbermouth

First off, the good news: Hank's headache is marginally better. To plagiarize an earlier comment to this blog, sometimes all you get are baby steps. And these baby steps are in the right direction, so we're cautiously optimistic. Last night, Hank laughed. I was downright shocked at the sound. She hasn't laughed in so long, it really was music to my ears.

Of course, now that she's feeling a little less horrible, Hank is able to stress about the mountains of work she has to make up. It's pretty daunting but she'll get through it. I didn't exactly tell her that I don't care what her grades are - and after more than 8 weeks of this migraine trouble, I really DON'T care at this point, I'm just glad she's back in school - but I did talk to her about doing her best and moving on instead of stressing about it.

Better days for Hank, hangin' with her laser dogs

Abner, my youngest, is the best girl-child ever. With all of Hank's doctor appointments and so many cancelled plans over the last few weeks, Abner has never once complained or blamed her sister. My sweet baby!

Abner - all smiles on her birthday

Last year, one of Abner's friends at school got super-clingy, to the point that there was a serious "ick" factor. This particular kid has got it rough at home, and we love her dearly, so we didn't say anything. There is just no way to say to a child, "We love you, now BACK OFF." Abner toughed it out last year without saying anything to the Clinger.

This year, they have the same class again. I decided to get all Proactive Parent and asked the teacher for a private, confidential conversation. She pledged confidentiality and I asked if Abner and the Clinger could just NOT be in the same groups all the time. I gently explained that we love the Clinger and don't want her to be hurt, so dear Teacher please use your judgment and maybe help Abner get some space. My goal was to avoid Abner telling the Clinger to take a hike.

Which brings us to today. Abner just came home to inform me that the Clinger came up to her, sobbing, and apologized for being too clingy last year. Abner was embarrassed, the Clinger was heartbroken and I am furious. No one, and I mean NO ONE, knew about the conversation I had with that teacher.

She blabbed.

Stay tuned for a rundown on the upcoming parent-teacher conferences - I'm sure the subject of the Clinger will come up.

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