Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Make Mine a Double

Saturday was a big day for me: the Polar Bear run. This is actually two runs, 3mi and 5mi, back-to-back. Runners can participate in either race, or become a "doubler" and run both. My running buddy C and I decided way back in December to double down on this one, with the rationale that we should be able to run 8 miles by now in our half marathon training.

The Countdown
The week leading up to the Polar Bear, I had a horrible cold. Snot everywhere, and coughing so hard I either wet my pants or, on one memorable occasion, barfed. Big fun. On top of my usual race stress -- which mak
es no sense since I am so slow, it's not like I'm going to win something for crying out loud -- I was worried about being able to run at all. Bleh.

One Day Left!
Friday finally rolled around. C and I went to packet pickup and the "mini expo," which was three retirees with a pile of t-shirts and a rack of XS clearance crap from a local running store. Considerably less goo coming out of my snot locker, so things were looking up.

Then comes the new stress in the form of an email from the race director:

DOUBLERS - PLEASE READ DO NOT: Wear or have on your person, your 5-Mile number while you are participating in the 3-Mile. IT'S IMPORTANT THAT THE NUMBERS NOT BE WORN AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE OF THE ACTIVE TIMING CHIP ON THE BACK.Wear the 3-Mile number in the 3-Mile and the 5-Mile number in the 5-Mile. Each number has its own race designation.After you finish the 3-Mile, remove your number and put it in the recycle container near the finish line. Pin on your 5-Mile number and be at the 5-Mile start line at 9:15am (this is the start time).3-MILERS: You must be at the start line of the 5-Mile by 9:15 AM! THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREAT EVENT!

Crap! C and I are going by ourselves, and we are NOT going to have a lot of time between the 3mi race and the 5mi race. I spent Friday evening obsessing over the course map and city maps of Indy, trying to find a place to park close enough to the 3mi finish that we can dash
over and switch bibs.

Race Day
On the way to pick up C, I nearly wrecked my car in the new snow. But we got there on time, and parked a block from the 3mi finish. And we're off!

For the three miles, I ran pretty well but freaked out inside my own head the entire way. What if I don't make the start of the 5mi? I'm sure C is light years ahead of me, she'll be so disappointed if I don't make it. Do I sprint (ha!) past the finish and just run all the way to my car? Then I come around the last turn and there is C, just ahead of me. We finished almost exactly together, which is THRILLING to me because for our last few races she has beat me by min
utes. Minutes!

The bib switch went smoothly, with plenty of time left over to stretch a little and chat as we lined up for the 5mi. We decided to follow C's intervals -- run 4 mins, walk 1 min -- for this part. And we stuck together, which is unusual for us. The first three miles flew by, and I was shocked to see the marker for mile 4. That last mile was tough, with my snot production team suddenly working overtime and my heart beating so fast. C is a great motivator and we finished strong -- 8 miles total, baby!

Here we are, victorious after the race with the shabbiest polar bear ever - and that's me, on the left, in all my sweaty glory:

The Results
We finished .02 seco
nds apart. Yep, C is still, technically, faster than me but in December she was two full minutes (plus) faster. Nice job catching up
, eh? I finished 12th in my age group for the 3mi, and let's just say I wasn't last for the 5mi. I felt GREAT after the race. C and I agree that we could have gone 5 more miles - half marathon distance - today. I am Queen of the Universe! Or, co-queen, anyway.

The Reality
I came into the post-race area and asked another runner where the water was. She pointed me in the right direction and said, "They should still have some left. It's only stragglers coming in now."

Stragglers. Huh. Guess that's me.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Okay, OKAY, I haven't posted in a while. Back-to-back business trips (which always, always suck) and then a week-long vacay with the fam for our Annual Disney Extravaganza have left me tired, sick, and hopelessly uninspired. So enjoy some random stuff while I pull myself back together:


There is a roller coaster at Sea World called the Kraken. This struck all of us as uproariously funny and we used it all the time in ways that often made no sense:
"Holy Kraken!"
"That guy's Kraken is showing!"
"Hold on to your Kraken!"


Room service at Disney World makes homemade chicken broth stuff for sick guests. This stuff saved my kid's life and my sanity on Disney Barf-o-Rama Day.


On the plane, I sat next to a relief worker returning from Haiti. Now I have an awful cold and I blame him and his third-world cooties. Does that make me a bad person?


My husband snores SO LOUDLY. I just cannot take it any more. I started sleeping with earplugs about 4 months ago because it hurts his feelings when I move to the guest room. But dear God, now I can hear him through the plugs. It is so loud that last night I still had to wear earplugs IN THE GUEST ROOM. I need a decibel-o-meter or whatever to measure the amazing sounds coming out of this man.


I don't care how sophisticated you think you are, the Hoop-Dee-Doo Review show at Disney is one of the funniest things you will ever see. Go. Eat. Laugh.


The Runners World Smart Coach plan is a wonderful thing! Sunday's long run was 8 miles, with no ill effects on Monday. I could hardly believe it.


Every single day, my mother and my husband tattle to me about each other. One day soon they'll notice that I. Do. Not. Care.


A running buddy like the fabulous C. makes the miles go by very quickly!


The Polar Bear run (two races: 3 miles and 5 miles, and I signed up for BOTH) is on Saturday. Today is Wednesday and I have a bad cold. Worry, worry, worry...


I have the greatest dog ever: Sarge, that handsome devil in the photo above.


This week's epiphany: my kids are 10 and 14, wonderful gals with personalities, likes, dislikes and lives all their own. How did they get so big s0 fast?


I secretly resent the fact that my 14yo is a couple of inches taller than her mother.


I'm off to curl up with some NyQuil and a trashy novel. Fingers crossed that I'll make it to the Polar Bear run on Saturday!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Travel, Chafing, and Leanne

Just got back from a three-day business trip and am taking the clan to Disney tomorrow. TOMORROW. Gawd.

Yes, I got my miles in while on the road. No, I did not pack my running bra because I'm a dummy. Just like maxipads with wings, underwire bras result in EPIC CHAFING on a run of any significance. Could I please go a week without some part of my body rubbing off? Or could the Body Glide people please hose me down?

So, I'm off to dump out everyone's dresser drawers and throw a tantrum while packing to go to The Happiest Place on Earth. Instead of listening to me rant, check out Leanne Morgan -- my current favorite funny gal.

And YES, it would be better if I just embedded one of her videos but I've been trying for 15 minutes and did I mention I'm leaving town again in 12 hours? Stop judging!